People rent air compressors and compressed air equipment for various reasons. A detailed checklist can help you save time, money, and frustration. Your checklist should cover several things.

What do you need?

It is crucial to determine the exact equipment you need before renting one. Deciding on which equipment you need does not only rely on volume and pressure. Look for a supplier that has an experienced team that can help you determine your specific needs. You should also consider the quality of the compressed air. Most people prefer 100% oil-free compressed air. Air that is oil-laden can contaminate pneumatic systems. It can also ruin critical instrumentation orifices. Oil in compressed air can produce a harmful environment condensate. A great rental equipment supplier can provide compressed air at many temperatures. After determining what you need, ensure there is no misunderstanding in communication. Both parties should be able to understand the detailed specification of your needs. Include quantity, quality, pressure, temperature, and dew point of the compressed air.

Where will you place the equipment?

Another thing to consider when renting an air compressor is the location. Knowing where to place the equipment is as crucial as determining what you need. Some rental packages have several compressors. Ensure that the placement of all units provides easy access. You should also check scheduled activities during the rental. An improper placing of these units would get in the way of other activities. Electrical service should also be available where you will put the equipment. Confirm the electrical requirements before you close the deal. Electrical services run ancillary equipment. They are essential in running winterization devices on the compressors in cold weather.

What are the issues you should consider?

There are several issues to consider when renting air compressors. Some of these are safety, noise, exhaust, and fuel storage. Most premium rental units include a spill-proof enclosure. The fuel, oil, or coolant stays within the compressor when a fluid-carrying line fails. There are some units that do not have this enclosure. It is best to consider the installation of any type of containment before the placement of units. All rental compressors have pressure relief valves for pressure safety. These valves are inside the compressor enclosure before the outlet valve. They prevent over-pressurization of the internal components of the compressor.

It would be best to check the website of your chosen supplier before you sign anything. Ask for clarifications if you find something unclear. Make sure there is an operator training session upon delivery of equipment.

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